DeArrow is a paid (if you want) browser extension. You can purchase an unlimited-use license key for 1$.

However, if you cannot, or do not want to pay, you can click the button at the bottom to use DeArrow for free. No worries if you can't or don't want to pay :)

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Ajay. For the past 5 years, I've been working on SponsorBlock, an open-source privacy respecting browser extension and open API for skipping and identifying sponsors and other annoyances in YouTube videos. In June 2024, I launched DeArrow, an extension targeting the next biggest annoyance on YouTube.

Last year I graduated from university and am now working on SponsorBlock and DeArrow as my full time job.

With this paywall, I am trying to create a funding mechanism for my projects while still allowing universal access. That's why if you cannot or do not want to pay, I still very much want you to be able to use DeArrow as much as anyone else using the button at the bottom. But, if you can pay, I would really appreciate you supporting the project.

Privacy Note: Other than intially checking your license key, no requests to DeArrow servers contain your license key. This means that fetching DeArrow data remains anonymous, and your DeArrow submissions cannot be linked to your payment details.

Already paid but lost your key? Installed during the free beta but lost your key? Email

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